Sunday 1 April 2012

Dedicated to you

This blog is exactly one week old today and I can truly say that I have come a long way from where I started from. The walk has been interesting, exciting, an eye opener and what's more, I've been able to learn a lot of things along the way especially from your feedbacks and comments.

I now realize that God has not only called me to share but also to listen, intercede, pray along with people in some cases and also to encourage.

When this blog was just 4 days old, the Holy Spirit told me that I must pray for every one that has been on my blog every time I go to God in prayer.I sense that there are a lot of people hurting out there and God just wants them to have an experience with Him. He wants them to feel the warmth of His love and how close He can actually be to people with broken hearts.

I could not have imagined all these even a week ago but today, I just want to say thank you to the Holy Spirit who has been a faithful companion and you, for being a part of mywalkwithjesus. You are my testimony.

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