Sunday 8 April 2012

Painful praise

A girl whose masters had benefited from her being possessed of demons had just been delivered by Paul. This angered her masters and so they arrested Paul and Silas and took them to the magistrates. The magistrates of course were in support of the girls masters so this meant trouble for Paul and Silas. They tore off Paul and Silas' clothes and the multitude rose up together against them. And when they had laid many stripes on them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely, so the jailor bound their feet and took them into the inner prison (Acts 16 verse 18-24)

Verse 25 says ... And at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God. Midnight signified the assurance that they were not going to release them that night, so any hope they had of being released, if at all they had, had been dashed. And this was the same time they rose up to give God praise, so much the bible records that the other prisoners heard them. What this means is that every time you are in a difficult situation, your praise must be able to lift up other people in the same or similar situations.

Verse 26 says... Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. You see, when we give God praise in difficult situations, he does not only address the current situation, He goes to the root and very foundation of the problem. He will shake the foundations of whatever has held you bound. The concluding part of verse 26 says .. Suddenly, the doors were open and every one's bands were loosed. It was to the shock of the jailor because he must have thought to himself, these men are going nowhere, after-all they have been thoroughly beaten,  I've bound their feet, locked them up in the inner prison, and I am the only one that has got the key. When God arises to set you free, it will be to the shock of the people that have held you captive!

Verse 29 says... The jailor came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas. Look how he addresses them in verse 30, he said.. Sirs, what must I do to be saved?. Do you see the difference between the jailors attitude in verse 24 and now in verse 30. Paul and Silas had become Sirs! Their testimony becomes complete when the jailor, together with his household gave their lives to Christ.

God is not moved by our nagging, He is moved by our praises! Do you find it difficult to give Him praise today? give Him anyway!

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