Friday 20 April 2012

Who do you seek?

I slept in the living room last night with the TV on. I woke up like three times or more in the middle of the night and I could hear the same message on the TV, all different preachers! I thought I was the only one who noticed it, until my husband confirmed the same this morning. They were all talking about Faith!
I was reading a sister’s comment this morning on the post “Misplaced Trust” and she was kind enough to share her experience with me. She talked about how she had waited 6 years after marriage to have her first child. She shared how her husband exercised faith throughout the waiting period and how she learnt from that, and you know the spirit indeed is one, because the message the Holy Spirit has laid on my heart to share today, also has a lot to do with faith
In the book of Mathew, chapter 28 and verse 6, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary had gone to look for the dead body of the Messiah, but when they got to the tomb, they met an angel who asked them why they were looking for the living amongst the dead.
 Often times, when we face challenges, we find ourselves running around for solutions. The truth is, real solutions can only come from God; the problem however, is that we look in the wrong place! Seeking solutions in the wrong place(s) is like looking for the risen Christ amongst dead bodies in the tomb.
Jeremiah 29, verse 13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. There is a condition to finding God  and that is “seeking him with all our hearts”!  The problem is that we find it hard to trust him completely so we seek Him partly and then we spend the rest of the time seeking quick solutions in all the wrong place(s).
Often times, we follow the counsel of ’strangers’, men who claim to be godly, and we take the solutions offered by men who also claim to be godly.
Hebrews 11, verse 16 says “And he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a faithful rewarder of those that diligently seek him”. God doesn’t go on leave! He is our ever present help in time of need (Psalm 46 verse 1).
Challenges will surely come but they can not overcome us, except we permit them. Psalm 34, verse 19 says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all”.
Hebrews 4 verse 16 says “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”. That confidence is faith! We are not to pray to God over a matter, not really expecting results, and then the next thing; we run off to other men or gods who offer ‘solutions’.
Mathew 16 verse 26, “What does it profit a man if he gains the world but lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” There is a saying in Yoruba language that ’when the devil offers you a cap, he demands your head!’ You see, any solution outside of God is NOT a solution, even though it may appear to be, for a little while.
Remember today, The Lord is near to all who call him! (Psalm 145, verse 18)


  1. Hmmm,am absolutely guilty of partly having faith in GOD and trying to profer solutions to challenges I face.whenever I have issues I pray and trust GOD but there's always something at d back of my mind that says 'y don't u call so and so and see if they could be of help'.thank you for this post cos it brings to fore GOD's word that says ' without ME you can do nothing'
    Dear LORD pls give me the grace to completely trust and believe in you regardless of whatever report I may be that which you alone can do in my life LORD JESUS.amen.

    1. Amen. May we find grace to be still, even in the midst of the storm so we can hear his voice and take his leading. Thanks for the comment.

  2. 1Peter1:7
    This tells us our faith will be tested to show it is strong and pure.(in other words trials will come) It is compared to fire purifying gold. Tells us our faith is precious to God. And after being tested, if our faith remains strong (after trials/challenges), we will recieve PRAISE, GLORY and HONOR when our Lord is revealed.
    What Great Reward!

    1. First, I would like to apologize for not replying earlier. I actually read your comment on Saturday but I have not really had time to settle down and reply. So sorry.

      I agree with you, becauseeven using myself as an example, every challenge I've faced and applied faith, has only made me stronger and even prepared me for greater challenges in the future.

      I believe the more we apply our faith, the more we srenghten our spiritual muscle and what's more, there is a reward! Our God rewards us each time we put our faith in Him.

  3. I am particularly taken by the story of the dumb boy in Mark 9:17-29. Jesus said to the father of the boy, if you believe, all things are possible. He answered, Lord I believe, help my unbelief!
    When we know we are struggling with our faith, we can actually ask God to 'help our unbelief'.
    Also we need to remember that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17. We need to fill up our heart with the word of God, only then can we increase in our measure of faith. May God help us in Jesus name.

    1. Absolutely, reading your comment took me to book of Mathew, Chapter 14, and from verse 28. Peter, walked on the sea for as long as he kept his focus on Jesus, but the moment he turned his focus to the boisterous wind, he began to sink.

      Faith indeed is looking beyond what we feel or see, and making Jesus our focus.
      God Bless You.
