Tuesday 10 April 2012


Mathew 17 verse 20 says '..I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there', and it will move.

....Okay, that's what the bible says, but this is what we do.. We 'say' we have faith, and we 'think' the mountain we face will move.

You see there is a big difference between thinking and speaking when it comes to addressing mountains. Imagine a thirsty mum, who just sits down, looking at her daughter and 'thinking' her daughter will give her a glass of water but refusing to say anything, or, a man looking for employment, and everyday, he looks at that office, 'thinking' somehow, they will give him an employment letter.

This is the same thing we do everytime we are faced with situations and we say to ourselves, oh well, I have faith, I know this wont last forever and so we keep quiet, waiting for it to pass away. Read Mathew 17 again, it says 'speak' to the mountain!

In Genesis Chapter 1, the world was without form, and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Verse 3 says "and God said, let there be light!". Check how many times the bible records that phrase "God said" in Genesis Chaper 1 alone... 9 times! Our God is not one that keeps quiet over situations He is not happy about.

God spoke until He was happy with the situation of things around Him. Verse 31 says ..' and God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.

If God Himself speaks to situations to turn them around, then why are you quiet over unpleasant situations that surround you! If you want to have a good testimony, you want things to turn around for good, then you need to speak.

Think about it, how many mountains are you facing today? how many have you spoken to?


  1. James 2.26 'for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also'

    We need to put our faith into practice, taking the first step and allowing God to back it up. We would never be put to shame in Jesus name.

  2. When we dont put our faith to work, it's as good as not having faith.

    Often times, the first step is the most difficult step but the good thing is when we exercise our faith over certain issues, we become bolder the next time to do the same.
