Friday 6 April 2012

Life jacket

Sometimes, all we have in our hearts are questions, all along the same line.."why are things not working out for me? why is everyone and everything against me? why is my case different? why have I remained in this situation for so long? why me? am I going to survive this? ...on and on we go with questions.

The truth is this, for as long as we remain on this earth, we will always have battles to fight. The devil will keep throwing balls at us hoping we will fall, storms will rage, challenges will arise, the wicked will hold counsel against us. Isaiah 54 verse 15 says "Behold, they will surely gather, but not of me.."

However, there is good news, we have a life jacket! A life jacket is not designed to keep you out of water, rather, it is designed to keep your nose and mouth above the water so you don't perish in the water. The concluding part of Isaiah 54 verse 15 says "Whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake".

Psalm 33 verse 10 says "The Lord bringeth the counsel of the wicked to nothing, he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. Verse 18 says "The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him, to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine". Famine in this case signifies periods of trial.

The victory we have in Christ tells us that the enemy cannot have the final say. Isaiah 8 verse 9-10 says "Prepare for battle and you will be crushed, call your councils of war, but they will be worthless, develop your strategies, but they will not succeed, for God is with us.

God can go against people that go against His will. Isaiah 8 talks about the Assyrian invasion, God offered the people of Judah gently flowing waters but they rejected it, therefore God overwhelmed them with a mighty flood that swept into the city until it was chin deep, submerging the land from one end to another (Isaiah 8 verse 6-8). That is how big and powerful our God is.

In Jeremiah 29 verse 11, God says His thoughts towards you are of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Why not hold on to that. Fear only God! Keep your head above the water, no matter what you are going through.


  1. My best line in this message is "the enemy cannot have the final say!". For me, that phrase is a decision on our choice to give up on a situation or not. Really and truly, a drowning swimmer has a free will,whether or not to make use of the Life jacket!

    1. A lot depends on us, on our faith. That's why the bible says only believe! If you find yourself in the storms of life, your head will be above the water for as long as you believe you will not drown. The devil only attacks us because he has seen the value we carry and again it's true that he can only try, our God, who is above all has the final say. God bless you and thanks for the comment.

  2. God is faithful. 1Cor 10:13 - God will not suffer us to be tempted above - He will throw in the life Jacket (escape route).

    2Thessalonians 3:3 - God is faithful and He will establish us and keep us from evil.

    We are not promised a life without trials and tribulations but GOD will see us through if only we believe and hold on to His promise at all times.

  3. Indeed, he watches over His own. The bible never promises us that all things will be good or that all things will work... Instead it says all things will work together for our good. It's really amazing! Thank God for the life jacket and thanks for the comment. God bless you.
