Friday 13 April 2012

A home without walls

Life is made up of high and low moments. Sometimes however, the low moments seem to last forever. Imagine you are at a traffic light, you enjoy it when the light is green, and you quickly zoom off, but if you get to the same traffic light when it is red, you quickly become impatient, because it will seem at that point, that the light has been red forever.

Sometimes, you look around you, and all you see is emptiness. The world all of a sudden feels so lonely, smiles slowly fade away, your once bright countenance turns dark, love seems unreachable, you realize 98% of the time, you are talking to yourself! The people you expect to love you the most are the ones who don't even seem to notice what you are going through. Slowly, you become a shadow of yourself, drained of all your drive and physical strength.

Not wanting to pray, not seeing any reason to praise, but you make an effort anyway. The God you want to see, is the God that judges, because the wicked seem to have had their way for so long.

Now, familiar faces look like strangers, because you have not been yourself for quite some time too. You feel like a puzzle about to crash. You try hard to keep up appearances, with a smile pasted on your face, but it's obviously not working! The people you crave their attention the most have refused to even notice that you are in so much pain

...Yet, from the least expected corner is a smiling face, a hand to bear you up, a shoulder to lean on, an ear that listens, eyes that see through your pain, words, ever so comforting..... and just then, your home, that has been without walls, begins to be a happy one again. Each word of comfort lays a brick, until the walls are back, and your shame is no more. The pain melts away, the darkness lifts, because you have met Jesus!

Psalm 37 verse 5 'Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass'.


  1. Olusola u r a blessing!!!I couldn't agree more with this post.keep up the good work,may ur light never go dim.amen

  2. We all go through this at some point in life, looking for where to get the comfort, probably a quick fix as well because we are impatience. BUT FOR GOD i say to myself, even if i cant do it God will do it through me and for me. Quick fixes do not last, the situation comes again.

    Lets comfort ourselves with Gods words, to find a permanent lasting fix :-

    Habakkuk 2:3 says "But these things i plan won't happen right away. Slowley,steadily,surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass.Just be patient! They will not overdue a single day!"

    Lamentations 3:21-26 No matter how dark our circumstances,how hopeless the situation, a life line is given, in God's faithfulness and endless mercy.
    We are encouraged as vs 23 tell us His mercies are new every morning! Fresh portion daily to cope with ALL we will go through.

    Thank GOD for JESUS.

  3. Your comment really lifted up my spirit, especially, reading Lamentations 3 verse 21-26. I pray that God gives us the grace to hold on long enough, whenever we find ourselves at low points. Such a blessing you are!

  4. This comfort you have described only comes with relying absolutely on God, trusting Him with everything in you and depending on Him for your every step. It takes FAITH, I would have said a lot of it, but the Bible says as much as a mustard seed. But at times I wonder why humans find faith 'dodgy', sometimes. The truth is, if we absolutely believe and focus on what the WORD of GOD says 100% of the time, we will hardly fall in to the 'lows'. The reality is that our experiences sometimes overwhelms us, and before we know it, we are focussing on our circumstances and we have taken our gaze off Christ. May God help us to always see His welcoming smile, extended arms and assuring presence around our lives.

    1. Amen.

      You mentioned something that caught my attention. You said 'the next step'. Sometimes, even when I get that 'comfort', I wonder what my next step should be, often times I just sit down and ponder, but reading your comment now shows me something in a new way, I should depend on God for that next step, and the very next one, and the next one, ... till I've gone all the way.

      Thanks for the comment

  5. Waiting on God through all, for all, despite all is the only way to divine peace. The next step, the one before that & d one ahead can only be sure footed with God lighting our path as we tread. It is well sis.

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. No wonder the Bible says in Psalm 119, verse 5: "His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path".

      God Bless You.
