Tuesday 24 April 2012

Destination Guaranteed

Maybe you have travelled by air, and the pilot announces the destination,  and all that...  and for some reason, your mind is at rest, you believe every word he has spoken. You don’t even know anything about him, not his history, background, experience, not even his color, yet you believe every single thing he said, even the time he said you will arrive at the destination. 

You want to sit close to the window, where you can see what you would describe as a ‘beautiful view’.. the trees, buildings, rivers, seas, mountains, clouds and everything.

You look at your wristwatch, saying ‘Oh! I will arrive at 5:15am’, then you take your mind off the trip and just spend the time relaxing, maybe reading a book, watching tv, chatting or even sleeping. You start making plans already, for when you arrive at the destination.

Now, change of scenario, You are on a flight, this time around, the pilot is Jesus. You spend all the time on the flight clenching to the next passengers seat because you are scared. What was a ‘beautiful view’ in the first scenario now becomes your ‘worst nightmare’!

‘Oh! you say, we are going to crash!’ You imagine the sea below, and you already have thoughts of drowning. You imagine the mountains and you are scared you might crash into them. ‘Oh! These clouds are coming at me too fast!’ You even complain the pilot’s voice is not loud enough ‘I can’t hear him, you yell!’

Then the hostess (Holy Spirit) comes around and tries to calm you down, but you are so engrossed in your fear that you pay absolutely no attention!

Now you start to ask the other passengers for help, where indeed there is no help. You start to look for the nearest exit, you want to jump out of the plane, forgetting that you cannot by yourself, bear your weight up.

In the book of Luke, Chapter 8 and verse 22, Jesus said to the disciples, let us go over to the other side of the lake. As soon as they set out on that journey, the storms arose, and the disciples soon forgot that the destination was not the middle or bottom of the lake, but the other side of the lake!  

They were in jeopardy and in their panic, they woke Jesus up, and He rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And he said to the disciples, ‘where is your faith?’ The truth is this, their destination was guaranteed!

We are in a world where spiritual things are as real as the physical things that surround us and when we focus too much on the things we feel or see, we begin to lose sight of God. If you have made him Lord over your life, and you are willing to hold on to him, through it all, then your destination is guaranteed.


  1. Hmmmmm...something to reflect about. God bless you sis
