Saturday 31 March 2012

Faith and Identity

Rahab was a harlot who lived in Jericho. Joshua had sent spies into the city because he wanted to take over the land. He was going to destroy the city and all that was within it (Joshua 6 verse 17).

We have heard so many times that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We have also heard that faith without works is dead. Rahab was saved not only because she had faith but because she put her faith to work. This is her account, in Joshua 2 verse 9 - 11... " I know..... for i have heard..... and my (our) heart(s) did melt". She heard about the God of Israel and she believed enough to act on her faith.

Her faith changed her identity, her house that was known for immoral acts became a safe abode for her and her father's household, together with all she had, even as the rest of the city was being destroyed (Joshua 6 verse 25).

Hebrews 11 talks about the honor roll of the faithful and it mentioned people like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah... and guess what, in verse 31, it mentions Rahab! When you put your faith to work, your name will be mentioned in places you never dreamed possible.

What is that situation you find yourself in today that you are not proud of but have refused to act in faith? God embedded so much potential in Rahab and faith became the vehicle that took her there. Mathew 1 verse 1 -16 talks about how Rahab married Salmon, gave birth to Boaz, who married Ruth and gave birth to Obed. Obed is the father of Jesse, the father of David and on and on until the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah!

The bridge between faith and result is works. James 2 verse 14 says "what doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith and have not works, can faith save him?" The answer in No!. Faith alone cannot save you but your faith together with works will. Put your faith to work today!


  1. Interestingly Abraham's faith changed his identity from childless to father of many nations. He put his faith into action, following at the very first instruction, not waiting to double check even with his wife! Go to a place I will show you .... he immediately packed and left, not sure of where he would even spend the night - can I say 'blind' faith? Yes, I believe in following God, our personal vision is inconsequential. Acting in faith demands putting out of the way possible thoughts of doubts, just going ahead to do it, because God says so!

    1. The key phrase for me here is 'the very FIRST instruction'. When we hesitate in exercising our faith, it costs a lot more. There are times when God tells us to do certain things and if we share that thing with someone else, it sounds like foolishness to them and doubt sets in. It's important we learn to get up at once and do as God has instructed.

  2. Hi Steve, thanks for the invitation, I just did.

  3. I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

    1. Hi covintkepr1, thanks for the invitation. I just did.

  4. I like the fact that you said "when God tells us to do certain things and if we share that thing with someone else, it sounds like foolishness to them and doubt sets in"
    This is to tell us that, not everyone shares our dream and therefore we should be mindful of who we tell our dreams to so that they will not derailed us from where God is taking us to.

  5. Gideon is a classic example, when God spoke to him and he needed confirmation, he asked God to confirm his word and God did.

    The problem with most of us is that when God gives us a word and we feel we need confirmation, often times we dont ask God for that confirmation but instead we run to men, asking them to confirm God's word.

    God help us hold on to that which he has given unto us.
