Thursday 29 March 2012

Turn by turn or All at once?

Do you believe that when God works, He does it turn by turn or all at once? Are you going through a situation where you think, well.... maybe it's not my turn yet. Are you sadly waiting for 'your turn?' If you are, then this message is for you!

There is a time to 'jump the queue!'. The woman with the issue of blood jumped the queue when she reached out to touch the garment of Jesus. Note that many people were pressing in on him at the time but only one person was willing to jump the queue because she believed the time to act was the present.

The woman had been diseased with an issue of blood for twelve years (Mathew 9 verse 20). What do you think she must have gone through in that period, she must have visited so many experts. I believe she must have heard about Jesus before that particular day when He was passing by but the time she recieved her healing was when she stopped to see the crowd or long queue, instead she saw herself and Jesus. It took her twelve years of pain, of shame, of her funds and strenght being drained, twelve years of battling with the same condition.

I love Mark's account of what actually happened that day. Mark 5 verse 25 - 34 said she had suffered many things of many physicians.... Some of us run to the 'experts' first without consulting God, hoping solutions will come from them. She spent all she had only for her condition to grow worse but when her focus shifted from the experts and from the crowd, all she saw was Jesus and believe me, He was all she needed. Mark said 'Straight away, the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

When you jump the queue, even Jesus stops in His tracks to confirm and seal your miracle! (Mark 5 verse 34).

Please take a few seconds to create a google account so you can post your comments as I would love to hear from you. Thank you.


  1. Niice write-up...Funny how we are wired to 'reach' out to Jesus only when we have explored 'all other' options...esp. When it relates to health issues...We should make conscious efforts to seek help from God first...very tough but with discipline, I believe we can!

    1. You are absolutely right, talking about how we are 'wired'... We just need to form the habit of taking issues to Him first, then he will lead us in taking the next steps. It becomes easier as we begin to practise it 'cos you can always look back and say, yes! it worked the last time I put him first.
