Tuesday 27 March 2012

What happens when this heart stops?

This post is inspired by a song we are probably very familiar with. Please sing along with me if you know it 'Light of the world who stepped down into darkness, open my eyes let me see the beauty that makes this heart adore you, hope of a life spent with you. Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you're my God' ....

I'm going to talk about three very important things, all from the lyrics of this song.
1. What it means to worship
2. What it means to bow down 
3. What it means to say that He is our God.

Worship is a constant act of fellowship and agreement with the Father. It is a place where you strip yourself bare of every pretense and distraction. It is a place where the father is your sole focus and when you enjoy a one-on-one connection with Him.

Bowing down means submitting your will to the will of the father. It's a place we get to and we say God, even though I don't fully understand what is going on, I know your plan for me is right and perfect. If you believe that God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent, then why wont you believe when in Psalm 32 verse 8 He says "I will instruct you and lead you along the best path for your life, I will advise you and watch you progress". Note that He says He will watch you progress, what more could you ask for? Our will really should not wrestle with His will.

Saying that God is our God means personally confessing Him as Lord. The part we play in salvation starts with a sincere confession from the lips and broken heart of a repentant sinner. Then heaven smiles and the holy spirit holds your hands so you are never alone in your walk with the Father.

When this heart stops... then my soul will gladly race to it's maker. Home for me is not where the heart is, home is where the soul will spend eternity. 


  1. Grace be released to the writer and everyone that reads this article. This is a great blessing to the body.

    1. Amen and thank you so much. You have really encouraged me. God bless you.

  2. Was it in church last sunday or cannot quite remember where I heard someone say 'what will you do differently, if you knew and you are very certain Jesus is coming in another 7days? My very first thoughts were 'who is that family member, that friend, that neighbour I should have reached with the good news of Christ? A sudden feeling of urgency swelled within me. This is exactly how we should feel as christians on a normal day. Living every day as though it is the last and being cock sure that our souls and those of our loved ones will actually head for heaven at that time. May God help us to remain in the vine.

    1. I love that question 'what will you do differently'. I beleive it's a question we need to ask ourselves daily. It's important to reach out to people around us with the love of Christ and it is also equally important that we assess ourselves daily to be sure we are still on track because sometimes we get so carried away with activities that our personal relationship with Him suffers. I pray indeed that He gives us the grace to remain in the vine. Thank you so much for this insight.

  3. And i must add, worship is also a time when you strip yourself of everything, just to behold his awesomeness. Have been blessed by this writeup, thanks Sola. May the Lord continue to inspire you IJN

    1. Absolutely! when we behold his awesomeness all our pain, shame and worry just melts away. This is a beautiful thing you have added. Thanks for the comment and God bless you.
