Monday 26 March 2012

... and He reigned!

I had just returned home from work yesterday, dealing with a headache and recovering from typhoid and malaria when my baby twisted her arm really bad. I called my husband who was already close to home at the time and off we went to the doctor's.

We had to have an x-ray done on her left arm and seeing that she was in so much pain and crying real bad threw me into panic. We drove to another location to have the x-ray done and while we were in the car, I kept on praying and just then the holy spirit said to me, you posted a message on your blog yesterday, talking about asking God to reign over situations, do the same now.

So I did ask God to reign over the situation and immediately, I had peace. The x-ray result came out and to the glory of God there was no broken bone or fracture.

Psalm 93 verse 3 says " The floods have lifted up o Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods lift up their waves"... but verse 4 says "The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea".

Floods lifting up means situations that arise and seem to intimidate you. Imagine a wall of water coming at you but the truth is we should never be intimidated by situations because we serve a God that cannot be dethroned and that is greater  than any situation or challenge. Remember always, God is above ALL!


  1. Some faith within me just got re-awaken. There is nothing like hearing the reassuring voice of God in the midst of storm. He is master indeed of ALL
    Thanks Sis

    1. It's true when the bible says, 'faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God'.

      Because the word is alive, it has a way of lifting us up everytime we start to run low.

      Thank God for his word and for the assurance we have that if we can just be still, even in the midst of the storm, we will know that He is God!

      Situations submit to Him, because like you rightly said, He is Master!

      God bless you.
