Monday 26 March 2012

When Coasts and Islands rejoice.

Psalm 97 verse 1 says "The Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice, let the many coasts and islands rejoice".

Coasts and Islands in this particular scripture refers to two kinds of people. The coasts represents people who have been going through a string of challenges for a very long time. Just when they think they have overcome one major challenge, another one pops up. This type of people can be described as 'fighters'.

Islands on the other hand represents a group of people who have been in a particular situation for so long that it has  become a source of shame. They are people that carry so much burden and pain in their hearts and feel so all alone. They are the kind of people that will tell you that you cant understand what they are going through. They are people who feel like giving up already.

Psalm 97v1 is a clear message to these 2 groups of people and dont forget that it starts by saying 'The Lord reigns'. In other words, there is no situation that God cannot turn around whether you are a coast or an island. If you can just say this prayer "Reign oh Lord, over this situation!" and believe with all your heart, then you will experience a turn around.


  1. I really have been blessed reading your messages and particularly this very one talking about coasts and islands. I can identify very much with the group referred to here as 'islands', not that I feel like giving up, but there is this particular situation I have been for at least 2 years. It has been a recurring constant at our family devotions, so much so that my 9yrs old son believes God really takes His time in answering prayers! I have a thousand and one ideas on possibilities, but they all seem so far fetched. It suddenly feels I have been forever in this situation. But even Islands rejoice, praise the Lord. I know God is working on my case, even when I cannot see it, suddenly someday it shall surely spring forth. Thank God He truly reigns over ALL. Bunmi Ojomu

    1. This is actually the first comment I will be getting on this blog and believe me I have been so encouraged by your testimony. After reading your comment, I just lay on my bed praying and just the, the holy spirit gave me the message for today. 'Turn by turn or All at once?'.

      First ild like to thank you for the comment and secondly, I want you to know that there are situations when we stand in prayer, take situations to God and tell him to do what we have asked for, for His glory. Your son will see God in action and He will tell you that he has seen a new side of God.

      Things become a lot easier when we stop wondering how it's going to happen. It is not for us to plot the solution, it is for us to believe that God will deliver the solution. God will do what you have asked of Him, for His glory.

  2. Sis Bunmi, my heart burned within me when I read your and Sola's post. Believe me, I can identify with you. Know this, the way of the cross is total reliance on God and sometimes this is what our trials are about. When all avenues fail, then we can say Oh Lord, reign in this situation. Read Rom. 5:3-5. Hold on to what you believe. God bless you.

    Sola, this is fantastic. I am so glad to know you are saved! And spreading His love.

    1. Thank you so much for the comment and word of encouragement. We will not be ashamed because our hope is in Him and Him alone. God bless you.

  3. Shola and Bimbo thank you so much, I am really encouraged. The word of God is really comforting and sharing with like minds brings a welcoming warmth deep in the heart. Surely when a 'test' drags longer, it becomes a 'testimony'.
    I look forward to sharing my testimony real soon!
