Friday 30 March 2012

Grace that abounds

I want to talk about addictions, those things we engage in, knowing they are wrong but finding them pleasurable anyway. Titus 2 verse 11 says "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men". Note it says all men, meaning no matter the level of addiction, this same grace is available to you!

Let's take a quick look at the life of Paul, a man who took so much pleasure in persecuting the church of God (Galatians 1 verse 12-13). In Acts 7, we read about the trial and death of Stephen. Acts 8 verse 1 says " And Saul was consenting unto Stephen's death".

His story becomes really interesting when he found grace in the same book of Acts, chapter 9. He had set out on a journey with the intention of capturing any follower of Christ, whether men or women, in order that he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

.... then Jesus appeared to him as he approached Da-ma-scus and for Paul, that was the beginning of a new era. An era fueled by grace! He let go of his old self and under grace became a new man. In Corinthians 15 verse 8, Paul described himself as one born out of due time. What are those things you are addicted to today, knowing fully well that they can cost you your soul? If the holy spirit bears witness in your heart right now (Romans 8 verse 14-16), then it's time to give it up.

As Christians, we are saved by grace (Romans 3 verse 24) and that grace greatly abounds today. In Acts 9 verse 15, Jesus described Paul as a chosen vessel unto Him. Isn't that wonderful! When we choose to operate by faith, letting go of our addictions, then we enjoy the flow of grace and become a vessel unto honor. The same grace Paul enjoyed in Romans 1 verse 1-5.

I hope today you find comfort in Romans 5 verse 21, it says "That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord".


  1. sometimes we have habits, ways of life that is actually wrong in the sight of God,but we think or feel thats its the right thing to do,or the write way to go.that is when we need the holyspirt to help us let go.God help us all in this kingdom race.

    1. It's true and it also tells us that we can't go far in this race without the help of the Holy Spirit and our willingness to let him lead.
