Saturday 31 March 2012

Faith and Identity

Rahab was a harlot who lived in Jericho. Joshua had sent spies into the city because he wanted to take over the land. He was going to destroy the city and all that was within it (Joshua 6 verse 17).

We have heard so many times that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We have also heard that faith without works is dead. Rahab was saved not only because she had faith but because she put her faith to work. This is her account, in Joshua 2 verse 9 - 11... " I know..... for i have heard..... and my (our) heart(s) did melt". She heard about the God of Israel and she believed enough to act on her faith.

Her faith changed her identity, her house that was known for immoral acts became a safe abode for her and her father's household, together with all she had, even as the rest of the city was being destroyed (Joshua 6 verse 25).

Hebrews 11 talks about the honor roll of the faithful and it mentioned people like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah... and guess what, in verse 31, it mentions Rahab! When you put your faith to work, your name will be mentioned in places you never dreamed possible.

What is that situation you find yourself in today that you are not proud of but have refused to act in faith? God embedded so much potential in Rahab and faith became the vehicle that took her there. Mathew 1 verse 1 -16 talks about how Rahab married Salmon, gave birth to Boaz, who married Ruth and gave birth to Obed. Obed is the father of Jesse, the father of David and on and on until the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah!

The bridge between faith and result is works. James 2 verse 14 says "what doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith and have not works, can faith save him?" The answer in No!. Faith alone cannot save you but your faith together with works will. Put your faith to work today!

Friday 30 March 2012

Grace that abounds

I want to talk about addictions, those things we engage in, knowing they are wrong but finding them pleasurable anyway. Titus 2 verse 11 says "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men". Note it says all men, meaning no matter the level of addiction, this same grace is available to you!

Let's take a quick look at the life of Paul, a man who took so much pleasure in persecuting the church of God (Galatians 1 verse 12-13). In Acts 7, we read about the trial and death of Stephen. Acts 8 verse 1 says " And Saul was consenting unto Stephen's death".

His story becomes really interesting when he found grace in the same book of Acts, chapter 9. He had set out on a journey with the intention of capturing any follower of Christ, whether men or women, in order that he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

.... then Jesus appeared to him as he approached Da-ma-scus and for Paul, that was the beginning of a new era. An era fueled by grace! He let go of his old self and under grace became a new man. In Corinthians 15 verse 8, Paul described himself as one born out of due time. What are those things you are addicted to today, knowing fully well that they can cost you your soul? If the holy spirit bears witness in your heart right now (Romans 8 verse 14-16), then it's time to give it up.

As Christians, we are saved by grace (Romans 3 verse 24) and that grace greatly abounds today. In Acts 9 verse 15, Jesus described Paul as a chosen vessel unto Him. Isn't that wonderful! When we choose to operate by faith, letting go of our addictions, then we enjoy the flow of grace and become a vessel unto honor. The same grace Paul enjoyed in Romans 1 verse 1-5.

I hope today you find comfort in Romans 5 verse 21, it says "That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord".

Thursday 29 March 2012

Turn by turn or All at once?

Do you believe that when God works, He does it turn by turn or all at once? Are you going through a situation where you think, well.... maybe it's not my turn yet. Are you sadly waiting for 'your turn?' If you are, then this message is for you!

There is a time to 'jump the queue!'. The woman with the issue of blood jumped the queue when she reached out to touch the garment of Jesus. Note that many people were pressing in on him at the time but only one person was willing to jump the queue because she believed the time to act was the present.

The woman had been diseased with an issue of blood for twelve years (Mathew 9 verse 20). What do you think she must have gone through in that period, she must have visited so many experts. I believe she must have heard about Jesus before that particular day when He was passing by but the time she recieved her healing was when she stopped to see the crowd or long queue, instead she saw herself and Jesus. It took her twelve years of pain, of shame, of her funds and strenght being drained, twelve years of battling with the same condition.

I love Mark's account of what actually happened that day. Mark 5 verse 25 - 34 said she had suffered many things of many physicians.... Some of us run to the 'experts' first without consulting God, hoping solutions will come from them. She spent all she had only for her condition to grow worse but when her focus shifted from the experts and from the crowd, all she saw was Jesus and believe me, He was all she needed. Mark said 'Straight away, the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

When you jump the queue, even Jesus stops in His tracks to confirm and seal your miracle! (Mark 5 verse 34).

Please take a few seconds to create a google account so you can post your comments as I would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

What happens when this heart stops?

This post is inspired by a song we are probably very familiar with. Please sing along with me if you know it 'Light of the world who stepped down into darkness, open my eyes let me see the beauty that makes this heart adore you, hope of a life spent with you. Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you're my God' ....

I'm going to talk about three very important things, all from the lyrics of this song.
1. What it means to worship
2. What it means to bow down 
3. What it means to say that He is our God.

Worship is a constant act of fellowship and agreement with the Father. It is a place where you strip yourself bare of every pretense and distraction. It is a place where the father is your sole focus and when you enjoy a one-on-one connection with Him.

Bowing down means submitting your will to the will of the father. It's a place we get to and we say God, even though I don't fully understand what is going on, I know your plan for me is right and perfect. If you believe that God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent, then why wont you believe when in Psalm 32 verse 8 He says "I will instruct you and lead you along the best path for your life, I will advise you and watch you progress". Note that He says He will watch you progress, what more could you ask for? Our will really should not wrestle with His will.

Saying that God is our God means personally confessing Him as Lord. The part we play in salvation starts with a sincere confession from the lips and broken heart of a repentant sinner. Then heaven smiles and the holy spirit holds your hands so you are never alone in your walk with the Father.

When this heart stops... then my soul will gladly race to it's maker. Home for me is not where the heart is, home is where the soul will spend eternity. 

Monday 26 March 2012

... and He reigned!

I had just returned home from work yesterday, dealing with a headache and recovering from typhoid and malaria when my baby twisted her arm really bad. I called my husband who was already close to home at the time and off we went to the doctor's.

We had to have an x-ray done on her left arm and seeing that she was in so much pain and crying real bad threw me into panic. We drove to another location to have the x-ray done and while we were in the car, I kept on praying and just then the holy spirit said to me, you posted a message on your blog yesterday, talking about asking God to reign over situations, do the same now.

So I did ask God to reign over the situation and immediately, I had peace. The x-ray result came out and to the glory of God there was no broken bone or fracture.

Psalm 93 verse 3 says " The floods have lifted up o Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods lift up their waves"... but verse 4 says "The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea".

Floods lifting up means situations that arise and seem to intimidate you. Imagine a wall of water coming at you but the truth is we should never be intimidated by situations because we serve a God that cannot be dethroned and that is greater  than any situation or challenge. Remember always, God is above ALL!

When Coasts and Islands rejoice.

Psalm 97 verse 1 says "The Lord reigns, let all the earth rejoice, let the many coasts and islands rejoice".

Coasts and Islands in this particular scripture refers to two kinds of people. The coasts represents people who have been going through a string of challenges for a very long time. Just when they think they have overcome one major challenge, another one pops up. This type of people can be described as 'fighters'.

Islands on the other hand represents a group of people who have been in a particular situation for so long that it has  become a source of shame. They are people that carry so much burden and pain in their hearts and feel so all alone. They are the kind of people that will tell you that you cant understand what they are going through. They are people who feel like giving up already.

Psalm 97v1 is a clear message to these 2 groups of people and dont forget that it starts by saying 'The Lord reigns'. In other words, there is no situation that God cannot turn around whether you are a coast or an island. If you can just say this prayer "Reign oh Lord, over this situation!" and believe with all your heart, then you will experience a turn around.

Sunday 25 March 2012

I'm in love with the Holy Spirit

This is to dedicate the first day of this blog and of course every other day to my helper, the Holy Spirit who I depend on for insights on the things of God that I might be able to share with you.