Tuesday 15 May 2012


Adam, where are you? God had asked after Adam and his wife disobeyed him. I heard you in the garden, Adam replied, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid. It was no game of peek-a-boo! The penalty was death. God cursed Adam and his wife because they had eaten of the forbidden fruit in the garden (Genesis 3).

The world today is like another garden of Eden. We know the forbiden fruits... Adultery, fornication, envy, murder, lies .. And the list goes on.

God is asking you the same question today, where are you? Are you busy enjoying the fruits the world has to offer? Are you hiding from God? Are you blaming someone else for the position you are in today? Are you afraid? Are you naked? Do you hear God in the garden? Do you hear Jesus knocking on the door of your heart? It is no peek-a-boo! What God has to offer is eternal life.

Stop hiding, run to him, naked as you are, fall at his feet, and receive gladly the gift of eternal life. His covering for you this time around is not made of animal skin, it is the blood of Jesus. A ticket to eternity!


  1. Totally true Sis, relating it to todays living brings a whole new factor to that act of eating the forbidden fruit. Anyone could be Adam in that senario and no one is without sin.

  2. Yes sis, and thats why I pray for grace every single day. I would fail 100% without grace.
