Friday 4 May 2012

Lord, open my eyes!

Abraham sent Hagar and her child away, and after she had wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba for so long, she ran out of water and was scared her child will die. As she sat down and wept, God heard her child's voice and so he opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water, so she filled a bottle and gave the child water to drink (Genesis 21 verse 19)

Elisha's servant was scared when he saw that they had been surrounded by the Syrians but Elisha prayed and God opened the young man's eyes, so he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha ( 2 Kings 6 verse 17)

Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac when God opened his eyes, and right there in the thicket, he saw a ram caught by its horns and he sacrificed that in place of his son (Genesis 22 verse 13)

There are some provisions around you that you would never see, use or enjoy, unless God opens your eyes. Help might just be standing next to you and you wouldn't recognize it. Opportunities might be passing you by and you wouldn't even notice. Doors may be open right in front of you and you wouldn't see them.

I believe it's important for us all to say this simple prayer "Lord, open my eyes". Your ability to see is your ability to possess that which is yours. As simple as this request sounds, the results will be amazing!


  1. You are very right. We miss a lot of opportunilties, just because we are not aware of them. If only God could open our eyes, then we would be more productive, then we would be even more assured of his abundant provision perhaps, then we would definitely worry less.

    In all of those casses you referred to, what I can make out of it is that we need to be in the spirit to catch the rhema!

    1. Imagine if Abraham knew he would find a ram in the thicket, he probably would have walked faster as he approached the place of sacrifice, maybe sing his heart out all along the way, I guess even Isaac would have joined in the praise and thanksgiving, and Sarah would have prepared his favorite meal, waiting for Abraham and Isaac to return... lol!

      I pray that as we go into this week and beyond, God will open our eyes to see all that he has prepared for us. Amen.
