Friday 4 May 2012

A special name for a special God

Psalm 91 verse 4 says "Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name".

I believe there is so much in a name.  If you want to name your child for example, what you do is you express yourself, usually out of your experience with planning, expecting, and carrying the baby. And because the experience is different each time, you have different names for the different children.

In the same way, I have discovered that there is a special name, also based on my experience that helps me connect to God the most. I have been through a lot and only God has seen me through.

He is a constant friend and companion. He sees me in my darkest hour, feels me in my lowest moment, he hears me when all I can do is whisper. He is a constant help in time of need, he is always near, always willing.

He loves me endlessly, protects me, defends me and covers me. He is my God, my maker, my father, my king,  my saviour, my deliverer, my strength and the lover of my soul.

He is my rock and my fortress, the one who fights my battles.

I cannot express all that he represents in one word, not even in many words, but every time I call him my shelter, my heart leaps because for some reason, that has been the deepest for me. My heart is full of gratitude for all that he has done for me and for all that he means to me and even though I know that I can never thank him enough, I want to say that my heart is filled with awe for him.

I don't know what name you want to call him today, but please go ahead and call him that name as you worship him, it is true he deserves more than we could ever give or offer.


  1. At this stage, i can connect so much wt u dearest sis and say He is my Hope, my World, my Friend and Husband. There is no me without HIM!
    God bless u for this

    1. Thanks for your comment sis and God bless you too. May He continue to represent all that and much more to you in Jesus name. Amen.
