Monday 7 May 2012

I'm still grateful

The last few weeks have been super hectic, with my husband away from home for a few weeks and having to take care of the baby and the home all alone. I suddenly realize how ‘smooth’ my life had been before now.
Pressure has come from all sides… the baby was down sometime last week but I thank God she is ok now, my car has made several trips to the mechanic’s and is still there even now, electricity all of a sudden is now so poor with the rumor that the transformer is faulty, ready water has almost become a dream, my finances have gone in the most unexpected direction. It’s so bad that even when I manage to prepare a message to share on the blog, posting it is ‘war’ because my internet connection has never been this unreliable; in fact, I can go on and on.
I almost feel drained of all my energy. Every new day has come with new and unpleasant challenges.  Last night, as I lay on my bed, I felt like the whole world was sitting on my shoulder, I was thinking of everything I’ve been through especially in the past week, and for some reason, even with tears in my eyes, all I could say was “Lord, I’m still grateful!”
I was reading recent posts on and every line I read lifted my spirit. It almost felt like the posts were especially for me. My mind raced to 2 Corinthians 4 verse 8, it says “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair”
The burden is lifted, and all I have in my heart is praises to my maker. Yes it is rough now, but it will only be for a while. I want to reach out to every single person out there going through a rough period. Just hold on, stay grateful, and I can tell you help is surely on the way. The bible says ‘God is our constant help in time of need’. You are not alone.


  1. I tell you, you are definitely not the only person needing a lift. If you look carefully around you, behind the smiles you see on people's faces is that yearning for a word of faith to cling on; a shoulder to lean on - some assurances of some sort that something really good is unfolding soon. It is comforting to know that God sees and know all and above all, He doesn't even leave us alone. Remember He is the 4th man in the fiery furnace, just there to ensure they get out unscratched. What are we going through that can be compared to that furnace? Let us just rest in this blessed assurance that we are not alone.

    1. I am in absolute agreement with you. What can I compare to the fiery furnace? and If he was there then he is definately here. Good to know we are never alone, no matter what we go through.

      Thanks for the comment and God bless you.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes LITERALLY!am still grateful LORD!!!
