Monday 2 July 2012

Daily burden

A believer without any burden for the church of Christ may need to go on his knees and ask for one. If you are so happy with the fact that your soul has been saved but you are not sad about that brother or sister that is lost then you are being selfish. What is your prayer pattern like, God thank you for blessing me and for saving me, please bless me some more! What about praying for others, that childless couple, that sick little boy, that homeless lady, that man that can hardly feed his family, that wife beater, that drug addict, that wicked landlady, that abusive step father ..... We put on our best clothes on Sunday, stick our neck really high as we head to church, feeling like God's best but never inviting someone else to church. We come back from church and we never share the experience with nobody. The church is not a cult where things must be kept secret, the bible says freely have we received, freely we must give (Matthew 10 verse 8). The next time you lift those hands in church to say Hallelujah, ask yourself how many people you have lifted up, the next time you open your mouth in church to say 'I love you Lord' ask yourself how many people you have shown love to. The next time you place your needs at his feet, ask yourself how many needy people you have helped. The next time you ask God for your daily bread, ask yourself about your daily burden. Take a look at Paul, a man who had been beaten on several occasions, stoned, shipwrecked, spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea, traveled on many long journeys, faced danger from rivers, robbers, his people, the Jews, the Gentiles, and even from men who claimed to be believers but you know, all that did not take away the burden he had for the churches (2 Corinthians 11,verse 24-28). He called it a daily burden! In Philippians 1 verse 21, Paul said 'Alive, I'm Christ's messenger; dead, I'm his bounty, life versus even more life! I can't lose'. What can you say is your testimony today. Not all of us are as bold as Paul and would want to stand in front of Kings to preach Christ but there are subtle ways by which you can play an active part. Right on your knees you can start praying for loved ones who have not recieved Jesus as Lord. You can draw up a list of people to pray for even in your closet. You can decide to support a ministry, either by giving your time or even your funds. You have got to be a part of the good work. God did not put us on earth for sight seeing. There is a lot more and we have got very little time. A Christian without burden is like salt without savour. Jesus said in Mathew 9 verse 37 'the harvest is great but the labourers are few'. Becoming a labourer for Christ is a conscious decision born out of the burden you have to see souls harvested for him'. You should not be able to contain your love for Christ, it should overflow. In the same book of Mathew, chapter 9 and verse 38, Jesus said to his disciples, 'Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields'. You are a city set on a hill and can not be hidden (Matthew 5 verse 14). What is your daily burden? Please pray today, that the Lord will use you as a worker in his fields, give you a burden for the church and the grace to do something about it.


  1. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Heb' 13:6
