Wednesday 4 July 2012

The Jesus I met

Born of a virgin, he walked on the surface of the earth. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, raised the dead, the blind could see, the lame could walk, the deaf could hear, he set the demon possessed free, cleared the temple. He spoke in plain language, he spoke in parables. He walked on water, he fed over five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes. He said to the Jewish leaders, 'destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up'. Judged by the men he created, he walked all the way to Calvary, carrying my burden, bearing my shame. He was mocked, striped, beaten, spat upon, humiliated and yet all he could think of was me, my salvation! With a crown of thorn upon his head, he walked all the way to Calvary. I was made whole with every stripe, justified by every act of injustice. Not a price he had to pay, not a burden he had to bear, not a soul he had to save but he chose to. All the way he walked to Calvary, nailed to the cross, pierced on the side, he prayed to the father to forgive me, and then he laid down his life that I may live. John the baptist testified about him (John 5 verse 33). Moses wrote about him (John 5 verse 45). Abraham saw him and was glad (John 8 verse 56). Israel sought him and found him (2 chronicles 15 verse 4). Paul encountered him and he became a changed man(Acts 9 verse 4). He was the fourth man in the flaming furnace, with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and not a hair on their head was singed, and their clothing was not scorched (Daniel 3 verse 27). He walked with Cleopas and his heart burned within him as he explained the scriptures to him(Luke 24 verse 32). He was a guest in Zacchaeus' home (Luke 19 verse 5). He has gone to prepare a place for me in heaven and he will be back for me. Today, he stands at the door of your heart and knocks. If you hear his voice and you open the door, he will come in (Revelation 3 verse 20). He wants to meet you, but only if your arms are open to receive him. Mathew 24 verse 50 says "He will return unannounced and unexpected".

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