Thursday 5 July 2012

Help in Thessalonica!

This afternoon, the Lord laid it upon my heart to pray together with my husband and a friend. As we began to sing praises, the Holy Spirit directed me to Philippians 4 verse 16, a portion of the scripture I have never read before. It simply says 'Even when I was in Thessalonica you sent help more than once'. You see, Thessalonica in this scripture represents a place of need. You know Paul travelled a lot and so there was no way he could always carry all his supplies with him. He needed to rely on heaven sent help. Most of us are in 'Thessalonica' today, we need help with our finances, our business, our health, our marriage, our children, some of us need a clear vision for our lives... the list is endless but the message is one, 'There is help in Thessalonica'. The enemy is looking at you in Thessalonica and he thinks he's got you in a corner. Tell him God is sending help your way. You will have surplus even in the midst of famine. Remember the story of Daniel (Daniel 10), where Daniel had prayed to God and because he was so precious to God, an angel was sent to grant his request. The angel was held by the spirit prince of Persia for twenty one days until the archangel Michael came to rescue him. Only then was he able to deliver Daniel's message. Please say this prayer if you believe, ask God to send help to you right there in Thessalonica, also pray that your helpers will not be held bound by the enemy. The helpers will not only feed your physical body but help you grow spiritually. I decided to post this message on the blog because as I was praying, I saw a sea of heads, a multitude, all knelt down with their hands raised to heaven. I also saw a large banner that read 'Help in Thessalonica'. I believe a lot of people out there need to hear this message. God just located you! SHALOM.


  1. Ms.Sola thank you so much for sharing this remarkable piece of inspirational information. It did a lot to remind me that even all those times that i was indeed close to the edge and it felt like i was going to really fall off, God just had a way of sending and positioning people to help me.

    1. I'm happy you were blessed by the sharing. It is good to know we are never alone, as long as we keep looking unto Jesus. Thanks for your comment.
