Friday 22 June 2012

I found victory on my knees

I found victory on my knees because not only did my knees bow, my heart also did and so did my will. My God, My Maker! I let go of every burden, I held on to him, to my future. My God, My Father! I looked up to heaven, convinced it was open. My arms were open, convinced I would receive. I exchanged my emptiness for his fullness, my ashes for his beauty. Silenced for too long, he gave me a voice. My God, My Shield! I went down empty, I rose up full. He restored unto me what the years had taken. My God, My Restorer! He poured his oil of gladness over my head and it runs to my toes. He silenced the wicked. He showed himself strong and mighty. My God, my Deliverer! Totally dependable, totally capable, more than able. In him there is no deciet. He is the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1 verse 17). My God, My Shelter! He has done exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all I could ever ask or imagine. Ephesians 3 verse 20 is my testimony. My God, My Song.... What can I say?